(たらの芽庵 から眺める山並みの夕日です。)
I wrote about the sunset at Tara in ‘the letter from
Taranome-ann’ too. The scenery is wonderful. The sun is
sinking into the mountains that I can see from Tara.
The color is changing into dark red from orange gradually.
I used to immerse myself in the working of the great sky.
Few years ago, Tara had no electricity. Therefore we
had to clean up after the work in haste before the sun
sunk. And we used to prepare dinner under a white
gasoline lamp. After dinner, outside of Tara was already
dark and we were able to watch the wonderful starry sky.
Now Tara has electricity. I can work at Tara without
paying attention to the sunset. Therefore, I recall the
sunset at old-time Tara with nostalgia.
One day, I visited Tara and cleaned the room as usual.
I climbed the stairs for cleaning an attic room. At that time I
came across a beautiful white snake at the top of the stairs.
The snake lifted a neck and coiled up. For some reason, I
thought the snake was female. She looked at me with warm
eyes. I didn’t think she was dangerous at all. I was greatly
moved by a sublime atmosphere there. And I left there quietly
without cleaning an upstairs.
After a week, I visited Tara again. I found a dead shape of
snake in front of door. It was not the snake at which I looked
a week ago. It was a black little snake. I stopped at the door
and looked at it fixedly. I opened the door and entered
the room. But my white snake was not found anywhere.
I read sometimes Walden written by Henry David Thoreau. He
wrote as follows in it.
Most of the luxuries of life, and many of the
so-called comforts,
are totally unnecessary. And not only are they unnecessary, but
they prevent human beings from realizing their full
To be a philosopher is not just to have fine thoughts, or to
establish a school of thought. Rather it is to love wisdom
live according to its principles — a simple life.
these sentences themselves are quite simple and
easily. I like such simplicity and clarity. I think
that Japanese
intellectuals in these days are struggling each
other so as to compete
for value judgment without true action.
They are going to fight not
for wisdom but for fine intelligent
When a balcony of Tara was almost collapsing two years ago,
I had
to construct a new balcony by myself because other
members were
busy at that time. So, I tried to draw a plan for
a new balcony for
oneself and ordered timbers to a local dealer.
A local dealer was
surprised to hear that I intended to build such
a big balcony by myself.
And he was kind enough to mortise
timbers so as to be able to put
together those timbers easily.
Though he and his workers were
very old, they worked hard
till late at night. I was very moved by
their effort. So I also worked
hard till late during three days by
myself and was able to
construct a new splendid balcony finally.
I think such conduct
is a result of simple wisdom with
generous-hearted people.
I visited Tara after a long absence yesterday.
To my astonishment, there was a big nest of Japanese yellow
hornet. Its diameter was about 40 cm. And to my perplexity,
the big nest was situated over the front door and a lot of hornets
were buzzing around the nest. Some people have possibility to
appear around Tara, such as a clerk in charge of reading
electric meter. So, I decided to entrust extermination of hornets
to a business operator. If a nest of hornet existed far from
the front door, I would not decide to exterminate it. That is,
I think it best to coexist with a lot of creatures such as hornets
and snakes at Tara. However, there seems to be unsafe for
people as for this situation. So, it is difficult for us to live together
with all creatures in some wild place.
As I wrote in ‘ The letter from Taranome-ann’, my log house
suffered from attack by insects which consumes woods.
I thought it might have been done by termite. However, as long
as I watch these two pictures in my log house, I think a criminal
might be a bark beetle. But, seeing next picture, I think a
criminal might be a termite too. Anyway, I have struggled for
these insects so far.
Though damages of eating away my log house have stopped
as of now, I had to protect from such erosion.
Therefore, I injected pesticide into logs and repaired damaged
logs. However even if I repair all the damaged logs, the strong log
house itself may collapse.
If there is someone who has knowledge about such a thing,
please guide me.
That was an affair on May 8th this year. I went to Tara and
worked there as usual. When I swept the floor, I grasped a
white towel on the desk without finding a big hornet in the
towel. Therefore I got stung by the hornet. I had severe pain
in my left hand at that time. So, I sucked the cut of my fourth
finger immediately and spat over and over again.
I ran to the water supply, gargled my mouth repeatedly
and washed out venom. My tongue became numb for a
while. My every part of the body also became dull. I have
such experience for the first time.
I thought what this occurrence meant, though my mind was
vacant. I thought this occurrence might be some kind of
initiation to next step for me. After three hours or so, my pain
ceased. I was relieved that it didn’t get too bad. But I was
tired very much.
: Next
The sunset at Tara
A big nest of Japanese yelloe hornet
About termaite and bark beetle